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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Helpful Hints For Bonsai Care

Lots of people wonder what all the fuss is about when it comes to growing a bonsai plant. They simply don’t understand exactly why it necessitates such a lot of watchful attention. However, the fact is, bonsai care is a skill requiring dedication and commitment. These tiny trees need loads of care and will soon die if they don’t receive it.

You need to keep in mind that you are dealing with a plant that is alive and growing, and that has to be painstakingly tended. Your tree requires environmental factors which are just right so it can grow healthily. Room temperature and lighting will have to be carefully watched, plus it’s essential that you give it the precise quantities of fertilizer and water. Here’s a look at several guidelines which will get you started on the road to a beautiful, flourishing bonsai tree.

1. Watering will have to be done cautiously so as to provide the roots precisely the quantity of moisture they need. The amount will depend on the variety you’re raising. You should also check to see that that your bonsai pot has good drainage, since water accumulating at the roots can destroy your plant.

2. Make sure that your indoor bonsai gets a suitable amount of light. Once again, this will differ by species. You will want to protect it from the direct sun when it’s at its brightest, typically between 11 am and 2 pm.

3. For a thriving tree, make certain it gets the vitamins and minerals it requires. Look for a fertilizer product that has been especially intended for indoor bonsai trees. It needs to be fed over the active growing stage only, not when it’s resting.

4. In order for your plant to remain healthy, you will need to transplant it to a new pot from time to time. Check the recommendations for the species you have to make sure you know how often to transplant it.

5. Tropical or subtropical bonsai plants have special requirements. Throughout the winter, you’ll need to keep them protected from freezing air. Make sure they’re located far away from exterior windows and doors that let in drafts.

6. Avoid the urge to over tend your bonsai tree when it’s becoming used to its new home. Otherwise stated, don’t take out the pruning shears and shaping wire too soon. During the first year, your focus must be on preventing the plant from dying and helping it to grow. All you need to do is make sure it receives enough fertilizer, water and light. Once you are able to handle its daily care, then you can start to teach yourself how to prune and shape it.

These plants are delicate and it’s not hard to kill them. But once you develop your bonsai care abilities, you will be able to enjoy your magnificent plant with satisfaction.

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