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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Golf Swing Basics

If you want to produce better golf shots, you must first understand the concept of the basic swing. Watch this detailed overview of golf swing posture, positioning, and aim.
Golf Swing Basics
If you want to produce better golf shots, you must first understand the concept of the basic swing. First, let's discuss terminology. According to the rules of golf, the ball must be played as it lies on the ground-except for tee shots at the beginning of each hole. The ball rests on the target line-this is an imaginary line from the ball to the target-and the golfer must stand on one side of the line when hitting.
Golf Swing Shape
Since the ball is at your side, the swing will be circular in shape. Imagine your swing as a wheel. The spine or torso is the hub of the wheel, and your lead arm and the shaft of the club form the spokes. Since the ball is on the ground your swing path will follow an inclined plane as it tracks through the ball. This angle is not horizontal-like a merry-go-round-and not vertical-like a Ferris wheel. It is inclined, tilted somewhere in between.
Golf Swing Posture and Position
To send the ball to your target, you first aim the face of the club at the target. You then position your body parallel to the target line and bow at the hips so your torso tilts and faces the ball. This bending at the hips will help you direct the motion of the swing around and down at the correct angle through the impact zone.

Once you set up correctly, you simply make two turns. During the back swing, you turn your shoulders at a right angle to your spine until your back faces the target. To swing through and hit the ball you shift weight forward and turn you trunk until your belt buckle faces the target. This turning back and through is called the pivot and it serves as the motor for the golf swing.

Your arms and hands play the most important roll in hitting a golf ball. As you swing back, you hinge your wrists and form an L shaped lever between the lead arm and the club's shaft. On the down swing, once you have shifted toward the target and you have begun the second turn, this powerful L is released toward the target, accelerating club through impact.

To produce consistent, solid shots, you must stay in your posture while swinging and you must finish in balance. Remember, the key to success in golf is to focus on fundamentals. Understanding fundamental nature of the swing will help you become consistent.

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